This site is an expanded and significantly upgraded version of the Flickr Commons based tool I created several years ago. As well as a major design/UX overhaul, it now includes data from further providers (see full list below). I'd welcome further suggestions as the harvesting tool and database are easily extendable.
For information, questions and bug reports please contact James Morley @jamesinealing |
Current totals by data source
Current totals by date accuracy
Breakdown of institutional data retrieved through Europeana
Het Nationaal Glasmuseum - 22336 items; Sjöhistoriska museet - 11809 items; Bohusläns museum - 7936 items; Vänersborgs museum - 7561 items; Kulturarv Västernorrland - 4090 items; Rijksmuseum - 3241 items; Tekniska museet - 2444 items; Armémuseum, Stockholm, Sweden - 2317 items; Karlsborgs fästningsmuseum - 2007 items; Miliseum - 1287 items; Örebro läns museum - 1254 items; Flygvapenmuseum - 1058 items; ModeMuseum Provincie Antwerpen - 1042 items; Marinmuseum - 735 items; Skansen - 629 items; Österreichische Nationalbibliothek - Austrian National Library - 579 items; Riksantikvarieämbetet - 381 items; Stiftelsen Nordiska museet - 288 items; Historisch Museum Ede - 254 items; Stedelijk Museum Zutphen - 221 items; Ajuntament de Girona - 106 items; CODA Museum - 103 items; INP - National Heritage Institute, Bucharest - 103 items; Upplandsmuseet - 102 items; The Archaeological Heritage Agency of Iceland - 95 items; Aaltense Musea - 58 items; Stadsmuseum Harderwijk - 56 items; Sundsvalls museum - 50 items; National library of Montenegro "Đurđe Crnojević" - 44 items; Länsmuseet Gävleborg - 37 items; Nederlands Openluchtmuseum - 31 items; Vasamuseet - 28 items; Images of Old Cluj - 27 items; Nederlands Tegelmuseum - 20 items; Postmuseum - 18 items; Δήμος Τρίπολης - 11 items; Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem - 9 items; Cluj County Library - 9 items; Slovak National Library - 8 items; Csorba Győző Könyvtár - Pécs - 7 items; Stadskasteel Zaltbommel - 7 items; Stichting Liemers Museum - 6 items; Lietuvos dailės muziejus - 4 items; Žemaičių muziejus „Alka“ / Samogitian Museum "Alka" - 3 items; Deventer Musea - 3 items; NOC*NSF - 3 items; Nationalmuseum, Sweden - 2 items; Wikimedia Commons Community - 2 items; Lietuvos švietimo istorijos muziejus / Museum of Lithuanian Education History - 2 items; Rippl-Rónai Megyei Hatókörű Városi Múzeum - Kaposvár - 2 items; Museum Elburg - 1 items; National Library of Bulgaria - 1 items; Horniman Museum and Gardens - 1 items; jNederlands Openluchtmuseum - 1 items; Lietuvos dailės muziejus / Lithuanian Art Museum - 1 items; Kauno IX forto muziejus / Kaunas 9th Fort Museum - 1 items; A. Baranausko ir A. Vienuolio-Žukausko memorialinis muziejus / Antanas Baranauskas and Antanas Vienuolis-Žukauskas Memorial Museum - 1 items; Slot Loevestein - 1 items; Museon - 1 items
Breakdown of institutional data retrieved through Flickr Commons
The U.S. National Archives - 1730 items; The Library of Congress - 1093 items; SMU Libraries Digital Collections - 1038 items; State Library and Archives of Florida - 912 items; State Library of Queensland, Australia - 891 items; Cornell University Library - 840 items; bibliothequedetoulouse - 821 items; Australian National Maritime Museum on The Commons - 567 items; Swedish National Heritage Board - 559 items; National Library of Ireland on The Commons - 494 items; State Library of New South Wales collection - 402 items; Vestfoldmuseene | Vestfold Museums - 385 items; MissouriStateArchives - 371 items; National Library of Australia Commons - 295 items; NASA on The Commons - 262 items; Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums - 249 items; National Library of Norway - 229 items; Royal Australian Historical Society - 216 items; Deseronto Archives - 183 items; Provincial Archives of Alberta - 177 items; Powerhouse Museum Collection - 170 items; UW Digital Collections - 123 items; National Library NZ on The Commons - 123 items; UA Archives | Upper Arlington History - 114 items; National Library of Scotland - 105 items; Jewish Historical Society of the Upper Midwest - 89 items; Australian War Memorial collection - 88 items; Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office Commons - 78 items; National Archives of Estonia - 67 items; Museum of Photographic Arts Collections - 64 items; Stockholm Transport Museum Commons - 61 items; Liberas / Liberaal Archief - 59 items; National Museum of Denmark - 55 items; Costică Acsinte Archive - 49 items; The Gallen-Kallela Museum - 46 items; Archives of the Finnish Broadcasting Company Yle - 46 items; Museum of Hartlepool - 45 items; George Eastman Museum - 33 items; San Diego Air & Space Museum Archives - 32 items; The National Archives UK - 31 items; tyrrellhistoricallibrary - 29 items; Preus museum - 27 items; Fylkesarkivet i Sogn og Fjordane - 21 items; OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons - 21 items; The Finnish Museum of Photography - 20 items; National Science and Media Museum - 17 items; Schlesinger Library, RIAS, Harvard University - 9 items; Huron County Museum & Historic Gaol - 7 items; Smithsonian Institution - 4 items; Getty Research Institute - 4 items; Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland - 4 items; The British Library - 2 items; Camden Public Library (Maine) - 2 items; Center for Jewish History, NYC - 1 items; Kalamazoo Public Library - 1 items; Aalto University Library and Archive Commons - 1 items;
The data has been harvested from providers using some custom php scripts to query respective APIs based on dates. Data is harmonised and stored in a local mySql database.
Additional jQuery plugins are used to enhance the display, including Masonry and Bootstrap Image Gallery (based on blueimp).
The website code and generated data is openly licensed so please feel free to copy, modify, distribute as you please (subject to any restrictions as imposed by the content and toolset providers).
'In Milford Haven. First voyage'. This is one of 262 drawings and 2 paintings presented to the Museum by the artist's family in 2012, and related to John Kingsley Cook's wartime service in the merchant navy between December 1940 and Au
National Maritime Museum
'Milford Haven. First voyage'. This is one of 262 drawings and 2 paintings presented to the Museum by the artist's family in 2012, and related to John Kingsley Cook's wartime service in the merchant navy between December 1940 and Augus
National Maritime Museum
. A 10” Kelvin-type light dry card compass with the card inscribed “Wilson Gillie” and “John Lilley & Son, London & N Shields”. The card is graduated to 360° with a second, inner, circle of degrees within the poin
National Maritime Museum
. A grey painted aluminium corrector magnet holder with a 2.5" (6.4cm) long vertical magnet mounted at top of aluminium tube 5.5" (13.4cm) long.
National Maritime Museum
. A Thompson type and has counter balance and spirit level at one end. A cross strut holds the shadow pin at centre. A sloping tube houses a magnifier with wire in its lower end. At the upper end of the tube is a small adjustable prism and two semi-circul
National Maritime Museum
. Black plastic corrector box. Containing two independent pairs of magnets operated by bevel gearing inside box and rotated by square-headed key.
National Maritime Museum
. Bowl- Dia. 9.75" (24.8cm) Black painted brass, domed china base, with patent bubble trap. Inside of bowl painted white with four black wire lubber lines.
Card-Dia. 7.5" (19cm) White painted aluminium with black markings, graduated to 360 degs.
National Maritime Museum
. Bowl- Diameter 6.5"(16cm) Grey painted aluminium bowl, expansion chamber at base (below domed cover). The top cover plate has a hole 1" (2.5cm) dia. through which a section of the card can be seen, a lubber line is fitted across the hole below
National Maritime Museum
. Bowl-Dia. 9.75" (24.8cm) Grey painted brass, filler plug at side, expansion chamber at base incorporated with glazed bottom, base fitted with a heavy balancing ring. Inside of bowl painted white with two black wire lubber lines mounted on side. Mou
National Maritime Museum
. Bowl-Dia. 9.75" (24.8cm) Grey painted brass, filler plug at side, expansion chamber at base incorporated with glazed bottom, base fitted with a heavy balancing ring. Inside of bowl painted white with two black wire lubber lines mounted on side. Mou
National Maritime Museum
. Bowl-Ironium (?) plated, filler plug on foreside, expansion chamber at top. Inside of bowl black with a white painted wire lubber line mounted across diameter of curved verge glass. Mounted in a bracket on coil springs with felt pads. Corrector magnets
National Maritime Museum
. Card for a liquid compass.
Card: A one inch band of mica is supported by a wire framework attached to the dome. The card is mica, brown with black markings graduated to quarter points and quadrantally in degrees.
Needle: The two needles are enclose
National Maritime Museum
. Card- Consists of an aluminium rim and centre boss between which are stretched 32 silk threads. A white paper band 2" wide is attached partly to the rim and partly to the threads. The band has black markings and is graduated to 1/4 points and to 36
National Maritime Museum
. Consists of a rectangular metal framework with a crossbar at centre. The crossbar has a hole in it. The two hinged sights are the same size, though one is an open arch with thread and the other a slit sight. Two threads run from the crossbar to the bott
National Maritime Museum
. Dry compass
Card: Consists of a paper band attached to a metal circumference and metal centre by fine silk threads. The paper is white with black markings graduated to 1/4 points and quadrantally in degrees. There is also a 0 - 360 degree notation. Th
National Maritime Museum
. Liquid compass
Bowl: Dia 8.25" (21.0 cm) Grey painted brass, two filler plugs at side, expansion chamber at base. Electric light fitting at base. Brass verge rings graduated to 360 deg. Domed verge glass is fitted with a brass spigot at centre, f
National Maritime Museum
. Liquid compass
Bowl: Diameter 6.5" (16.0 cm) Grey painted aluminium bowl, filler plug in top plate, expansion chamber at base (below a domed cover). The top cover plate has a hole 1.0! (2.5 cm) in diam through which a section of the card can be s
National Maritime Museum
. Liquid compass
Card: Mica ring 0.6" (1.5 cm) wide, painted white with black markings, graduated to 360 degrees, attached by wire framework to annular plastic float at centre. The base plate is of clear perspex 6.75" (17.1 cm) diameter, and h
National Maritime Museum
. Liquid compass
Card: Plastic ring 0.5" (1.3 cm) wide painted white with black markings, graduated to 360 degrees attached by wire framework to annular plastic float at the centre. The base plate is of clear perspex 6.3" (16.0 cm) diameter, a
National Maritime Museum
. Liquid compass
It is not possible to see the magnetic compass, only the projector unit.
Consists of a white ground glass disc with a moveable pointer at the centre, fitted with a verge ring which is graduated to 360 degrees. Mounted in a grey painted
National Maritime Museum
. Liquid compass
The card is mounted on a plastic base plate, diameter 6.75". This base plate has four upright lubber lines of white plastic.
Card: The card is a mica band 0.75" wide held to a plastic dome float by a metal framework. The card
National Maritime Museum
. Liquid compass
Bowl: A brass bowl with a black exterior and a white interior. It has a black lubber spike and an expansion chamber at the base with a filler plug at the side. Set in double gimbals.
Card: A mica band white with black markings graduated t
National Maritime Museum
. Liquid compass and binnacle.
Bowl: Dia. 9.5" (23.5 cm) Black painted brass, filler plug at side, expansion chamber at base incorporated with glazed bottom. Inside of bowl painted white with four black lubber lines painted on side. Verge glass car
National Maritime Museum
. Liquid compass bowl
Bowl: The bowl itself is an expansion chamber. It has a heavy brass ring at the top and copper clips at the base. It is glazed top and bottom. Inside the brass ring is a screwed in ring which itself has six screws, this is repeated
National Maritime Museum
. Liquid compass with binnacle and hood.
Bowl: Dia 8.25" (21.0 cm) Grey painted brass, two filler plugs at side, expansion chamber at base. Electric light fitting at base. Brass verge ring graduated to 360 degrees. Domed verge glass is fitted with
National Maritime Museum
. Liquid compass with binnacle and hood.
Bowl: Dia. 9.0" (22.9 cm). Black painted brass, filler plug at side, expansion chamber at base incorporated with glazed bottom. Inside of bowl painted white with two black wire lubber lines attached to sides
National Maritime Museum
. Magnet holder, compass corrector
Black plastic corrector box. Contains two independent pairs of magnets operated by bevel gearing inside box which are rotated by a square-headed key (for E-W correction). A second set of magnets, similar to the former,
National Maritime Museum
. Merchant Navy summer uniform belonging to Edward Miller, trainee officer born on 9 June 1922, died at sea on 28 Nov 1940 when the ship he was apprenticed to, the SS Aracataca, was sunk by a German U-boat whilst transporting bananas from Jamaica.
National Maritime Museum
. Merchant Navy summer uniform belonging to Edward Miller, trainee officer born on 9 June 1922, died at sea on 28 Nov 1940 when the ship he was apprenticed to, the SS Aracataca, was sunk by a German U-boat whilst transporting bananas from Jamaica.
National Maritime Museum
. Merchant Navy summer uniform belonging to Edward Miller, trainee officer born on 9 June 1922, died at sea on 28 Nov 1940 when the ship he was apprenticed to, the SS Aracataca, was sunk by a German U-boat whilst transporting bananas from Jamaica.
National Maritime Museum
. Merchant Navy summer uniform belonging to Edward Miller, trainee officer born on 9 June 1922, died at sea on 28 Nov 1940 when the ship he was apprenticed to, the SS Aracataca, was sunk by a German U-boat whilst transporting bananas from Jamaica.
National Maritime Museum
. Set of four steel needles 4.3" (11cm) long 0.3" (1cm) in diameter. Mounted in wood blocks at either end.
National Maritime Museum
. Set of four steel needles 4.3" (11cm) long 0.3" (1cm) in diameter. Mounted in wood blocks at either end. Set in an aluminium tray.
National Maritime Museum
. Star identifier.
Cardboard star chart.
7 perspex templates for latitudes 0-60.
Cardboard folder.
National Maritime Museum
. Star identifier.
Cardboard star chart.
Wood star chart.
7 perspex templates for latitudes 0-60 degrees.
Cardboard folder.
National Maritime Museum
. Submarine liquid compass
Bowl: Diameter 1.99" (5.0 cm) Black painted brass, the sides of the bowl form a bellows and act as a long expansion chamber. Glazed at both top and bottom. Inside of bowl black with a lubber pointer projecting from fore
National Maritime Museum
. The sextant has a black-lacquered brass three-circle pattern frame and a wooden handle. The endless tangent screw and clamping screw are positioned on the back of the index arm. The instrument has four green shades and three green horizon shades. Index-
circa 1940
National Maritime Museum
Albert Medal. Albert Medal presented to Able Seaman Alfred Miles (1899-1989) P/23965. The citation from the ‘London Gazette’ of 29 April 1941 reads as follows: ‘On 1st December 1940, when HMS ‘Saltash’ was passing from one do
National Maritime Museum
Arm badge, Royal Naval uniform: pattern 1940-1948, Coder. Coder's arm badge.
National Maritime Museum
Battleships at Falmouth, 1940. A war time scene of Falmouth. A large amount of naval shipping can be seen in the bay. In the distance on the left the cranes of Falmouth Dockyard stand vertically against the skyline. On the right, hovering above the town,
National Maritime Museum
China Service Medal 1937-39. Awarded to Commander Warren Fred Postel USN. Obverse: Chinese junk. Legend: "CHINA SERVICE". Reverse: An eagle perched on an anchor and branches. Legend: "UNITED STATES NAVY". Inscription: "FOR SERVICE
National Maritime Museum
Cruising Club of America, Blue Water Medal. Uniface: Within a cable border a map of the Atlantic including western seaboard of Europe, eastern seaboard of U.S.A. Greenland, Iceland; a Roman galley, a sixteenth and a seventeenth century three masted ship o
National Maritime Museum
Destroyers, War Badge. Uniface badge. Within a garland and surmount of similar design, but with eagle's wings displayed (gilt) port bow view of a destroyer overlapping garland (L) and forward superstructure, a bow wave below (iron). Reverse Inscripti
National Maritime Museum
Diver (from the 'Submarines' series). In February 1940, Eric Ravilious (1903–42), became, with Paul Nash, one of the first artists to be appointed by the WAAC. He was assigned to the Admiralty and given the rank of Captain. His first assi
National Maritime Museum
Diver (from the 'Submarines' series). In February 1940, Eric Ravilious (1903–42), became, with Paul Nash, one of the first artists to be appointed by the WAAC. He was assigned to the Admiralty and given the rank of Captain. His first assig
National Maritime Museum
Diving controls (from the 'Submarines' series). In February 1940, Eric Ravilious (1903–42), became, with Paul Nash, one of the first artists to be appointed by the WAAC. He was assigned to the Admiralty and given the rank of Captain. His
National Maritime Museum
Diving controls when submerged (from the 'Submarines' series). In February 1940, Eric Ravilious (1903–42), became, with Paul Nash, one of the first artists to be appointed by the WAAC. He was assigned to the Admiralty and given the rank of
National Maritime Museum
Eleven o'clock in the forecastle. A depiction of sailors at rest in the forecastle (fo'c'sle) of the ship, the raised deck at the bow below which the crew were housed. The artist has used compositional elements to emphasize the content. The
National Maritime Museum
Five members of a gun watch (seated, but ready for action). original art: drawing
National Maritime Museum
Fleet Air Arm uniform: pattern 1924. Lieutenant-Commander's monkey jacket. One sewn on medal ribbon bar
National Maritime Museum
Force H off Gibraltar, 1940. A depiction of three of the ships that comprised Britain's wartime Force H, in the western Mediterranean between June and October 1940. Gibraltar can be seen in sharp profile on the right, with the coast of north Africa o
National Maritime Museum
HMS Victory in wartime. Drawing 'HMS Victory in wartime.' Signed by artist and dated.
National Maritime Museum
Lloyd's War Medal for Bravery at Sea. Awarded to William Harvey. Obverse: A heroic figure symbolising courage and endurance, seated looking out over the sea towards a distant liner, holding a wreath in his right hand. Legend: "AWARDED BY LLOYDS&
National Maritime Museum
Minesweepers & Anti-Submarines War Badge. Uniface badge. Within a garland similar to U30 (gilt) an explosion from a mine under water; sea below (iron). Reverse: Inscription: "R.S." Instituted in Aug 1940 for personnel of Minesweepers, Anti-S
National Maritime Museum
Mining badge. Mining badge. Silver anchor with gilt chrysanthemum on the shank between two silver moored mines with a background of two green branches.
National Maritime Museum
Narvik War Badge. Uniface badge in the form of a shield; upon it an anchor crossed with a 2-bladed air-screw. A sunflower and stem (C) with date 19(L)40(R). Above on a tablet "NARVIK". The whole surmounted by an eagle, wings drooping, a garlande
National Maritime Museum
Naval General Service Medal 1936. Awarded to Ralph Hood, Chief Engine Room Artificer (1898-1980). Obverse: Head of King George VI crowned. Legend: "GEORGIVS VI D:G:BR: OMN:REX:F:D:INDIAE:IMP." Reverse: Britannia in a helmet, a trident in her rig
National Maritime Museum
Naval General Service Medal 1936. Obverse: Head of King George VI crowned. Legend: "GEORGIVS VI D:G:BR: OMN:REX:F:D:INDIAE:IMP." Reverse: Britannia in a helmet, a trident in her right and a shield in her left hand, standing in a sea-car drawn by
National Maritime Museum
Naval General Service Medal. Obverse: Head of King George VI crowned. Legend: "GEORGIVS VI D:G:BR: OMN:REX:F:D:INDIAE:IMP." Reverse: Britannia standing in a helmet, a trident in her right and a shield in her left hand, standing in a sea-car draw
National Maritime Museum
Naval General Service Medal. Reverse: Head of King George VI crowned. Legend: "GEORGIVS VI D:G:BR: OMN:REX:F:D:INDIAE:IMP." Obverse: Britannia standing in a helmet, a trident in her right and a shield in her left hand, standing in a sea-car draw
National Maritime Museum
Night, lowering mines into a minelayer, 1940. Drawing 'Night, lowering mines into a minelayer, 1940.' Signed by artist and dated.
National Maritime Museum
No.4 as Minesweeper Protection, Portland, 1940. Signed by artist and dated.
National Maritime Museum
Officer viewing through periscope (from the 'Submarines' series). In 1940 Ravilious became one of the first official war artists. During the summer he was at HMS 'Dolphin' at Gosport drawing the interiors of submarines, sometimes at se
National Maritime Museum
Patt 1152. Has general shape of an anchor without crossbar at the top. The prism has a notched sight and a line down the centre. There is one circular filter. Both prism and filter can be moved by the same milled screw. At opposite end to prism there is a
National Maritime Museum
Portrait of Leading Seaman A.L. Vearncombe of HMS Vernon. In November 1939 the sitter helped to defuse, for the first time, a German Type GA Magnetic mine founded beached off Shoeburyness. The following month Vearncombe was awarded the Distinguished Servi
National Maritime Museum
Portrait of Leading Seaman Dove of HMS Hardy, 1940. Kennington was already a painter when he was invalided from the army in 1915, returning home to paint 'The Kensingtons at Laventie' (Imperial War Museum). In 1916, as an 'artist visitor
National Maritime Museum
Portrait of Stoker A. Martin of HMS Exeter. Kennington drew Martin in 1940 and wrote of him: 'Man of Action: instantaneous: 100 per cent reliable: expert technician. Much humour under thorough camouflage. Very gentle, sensitive, and great physical st
National Maritime Museum
Robin Hood's Bay in wartime. One of a group of 11 oil paintings by Eurich, an official War Artist, allocated to the National Maritime Museum after World War II. This was his first war-time commission, together with a companion work, 'Fishing Boa
National Maritime Museum
Shipping Mines, December 1940. Framed drawing entitled "Shipping Mines, December 1940".
National Maritime Museum
Submarine Dream (from the 'Submarines' series). In February 1940, Eric Ravilious (1903–42), became, with Paul Nash, one of the first artists to be appointed by the WAAC. He was assigned to the Admiralty and given the rank of Captain. His
National Maritime Museum
Submarine Series. Diving Controls whilst Submerged. original art: drawing. Unfinished
National Maritime Museum
Testing Davis Diving Apparatus (from the 'Submarines' series). In February 1940, Eric Ravilious (1903–42), became, with Paul Nash, one of the first artists to be appointed by the WAAC. He was assigned to the Admiralty and given the rank of
National Maritime Museum
The Submarine Series. The Ward Room. Mounted graphite and wash drawing entitled "Submarine Series. The Ward Room". Lithograph version: PAD8081 - PAD8082.
National Maritime Museum
The Ward (Mess) Room (from the 'Submarines' series). In February 1940, Eric Ravilious (1903–42), became, with Paul Nash, one of the first artists to be appointed by the WAAC. He was assigned to the Admiralty and given the rank of Captain.
National Maritime Museum
The Whitstable mine (from the 'Submarines' series). In February 1940, Eric Ravilious (1903–42), became, with Paul Nash, one of the first artists to be appointed by the WAAC. He was assigned to the Admiralty and given the rank of Captain.
National Maritime Museum
Two identity discs. Two identity discs belonging to Commander Warren Fred Postel USN (1904-1986). White metal inscribed: 'WARREN F. POSTEL ENSIGN T-9-41 USN 0' and 'WARREN F. POSTEL T-9-41 USN 0 ENSIGN'. The owner's fingerprints
National Maritime Museum
Type PEX U/4. Bowl-Translucent with black painted brass verge ring, and bubble trap at base. Inside of bowl white with four black lubber lines. Mounted in a black painted brass gimbal ring 6.5" (16.5cm) diameter.
Card-4" (10.2cm) diameter, whit
National Maritime Museum
Unloading the S.S. Cameronia in Yorkhill Quay, Glasgow. Drawing entitled 'Unloading the S.S. cameronia yorkhill quay, Glasgow' signed by artist and dated.
National Maritime Museum
Vice-Admiral G. F. B. Edward-Collins. A charcoal sketch of a man leaning back in an armchair. He wears a uniform and holds papers in his right hand. Vice Admiral G. F. B. Edward-Collins (1883-1958) was the Vice-Admiral commanding the 18th Cruiser Squadron
National Maritime Museum
Whitby in wartime. As an official war artist to the Admiralty during the Second World War, Eurich painted the war effort at home, epic maritime engagements, and stories of survival at sea. Although he did not witness action himself, he received confidenti
National Maritime Museum
Withdrawal from Dunkirk, June 1940. One of a group of 11 oil paintings by Eurich, an official war artist, allocated to the National Maritime Museum after World War II. The image was used by the Navy as its Christmas card for 1940, and refers to the action
National Maritime Museum
Women's Royal Naval Service uniform: pattern 1940. Chief Commandant's coat, great
National Maritime Museum
Women's Royal Naval Service uniform: pattern 1940. Chief Commandant's monkey jacket with eight ribbon bars.
National Maritime Museum