This site is an expanded and significantly upgraded version of the Flickr Commons based tool I created several years ago. As well as a major design/UX overhaul, it now includes data from further providers (see full list below). I'd welcome further suggestions as the harvesting tool and database are easily extendable.
For information, questions and bug reports please contact James Morley @jamesinealing |
Current totals by data source
Current totals by date accuracy
Breakdown of institutional data retrieved through Europeana
Het Nationaal Glasmuseum - 22336 items; Sjöhistoriska museet - 11809 items; Bohusläns museum - 7936 items; Vänersborgs museum - 7561 items; Kulturarv Västernorrland - 4090 items; Rijksmuseum - 3241 items; Tekniska museet - 2444 items; Armémuseum, Stockholm, Sweden - 2317 items; Karlsborgs fästningsmuseum - 2007 items; Miliseum - 1287 items; Örebro läns museum - 1254 items; Flygvapenmuseum - 1058 items; ModeMuseum Provincie Antwerpen - 1042 items; Marinmuseum - 735 items; Skansen - 629 items; Österreichische Nationalbibliothek - Austrian National Library - 579 items; Riksantikvarieämbetet - 381 items; Stiftelsen Nordiska museet - 288 items; Historisch Museum Ede - 254 items; Stedelijk Museum Zutphen - 221 items; Ajuntament de Girona - 106 items; CODA Museum - 103 items; INP - National Heritage Institute, Bucharest - 103 items; Upplandsmuseet - 102 items; The Archaeological Heritage Agency of Iceland - 95 items; Aaltense Musea - 58 items; Stadsmuseum Harderwijk - 56 items; Sundsvalls museum - 50 items; National library of Montenegro "Đurđe Crnojević" - 44 items; Länsmuseet Gävleborg - 37 items; Nederlands Openluchtmuseum - 31 items; Vasamuseet - 28 items; Images of Old Cluj - 27 items; Nederlands Tegelmuseum - 20 items; Postmuseum - 18 items; Δήμος Τρίπολης - 11 items; Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem - 9 items; Cluj County Library - 9 items; Slovak National Library - 8 items; Csorba Győző Könyvtár - Pécs - 7 items; Stadskasteel Zaltbommel - 7 items; Stichting Liemers Museum - 6 items; Lietuvos dailės muziejus - 4 items; Žemaičių muziejus „Alka“ / Samogitian Museum "Alka" - 3 items; Deventer Musea - 3 items; NOC*NSF - 3 items; Nationalmuseum, Sweden - 2 items; Wikimedia Commons Community - 2 items; Lietuvos švietimo istorijos muziejus / Museum of Lithuanian Education History - 2 items; Rippl-Rónai Megyei Hatókörű Városi Múzeum - Kaposvár - 2 items; Museum Elburg - 1 items; National Library of Bulgaria - 1 items; Horniman Museum and Gardens - 1 items; jNederlands Openluchtmuseum - 1 items; Lietuvos dailės muziejus / Lithuanian Art Museum - 1 items; Kauno IX forto muziejus / Kaunas 9th Fort Museum - 1 items; A. Baranausko ir A. Vienuolio-Žukausko memorialinis muziejus / Antanas Baranauskas and Antanas Vienuolis-Žukauskas Memorial Museum - 1 items; Slot Loevestein - 1 items; Museon - 1 items
Breakdown of institutional data retrieved through Flickr Commons
The U.S. National Archives - 1730 items; The Library of Congress - 1093 items; SMU Libraries Digital Collections - 1038 items; State Library and Archives of Florida - 912 items; State Library of Queensland, Australia - 891 items; Cornell University Library - 840 items; bibliothequedetoulouse - 821 items; Australian National Maritime Museum on The Commons - 567 items; Swedish National Heritage Board - 559 items; National Library of Ireland on The Commons - 494 items; State Library of New South Wales collection - 402 items; Vestfoldmuseene | Vestfold Museums - 385 items; MissouriStateArchives - 371 items; National Library of Australia Commons - 295 items; NASA on The Commons - 262 items; Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums - 249 items; National Library of Norway - 229 items; Royal Australian Historical Society - 216 items; Deseronto Archives - 183 items; Provincial Archives of Alberta - 177 items; Powerhouse Museum Collection - 170 items; UW Digital Collections - 123 items; National Library NZ on The Commons - 123 items; UA Archives | Upper Arlington History - 114 items; National Library of Scotland - 105 items; Jewish Historical Society of the Upper Midwest - 89 items; Australian War Memorial collection - 88 items; Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office Commons - 78 items; National Archives of Estonia - 67 items; Museum of Photographic Arts Collections - 64 items; Stockholm Transport Museum Commons - 61 items; Liberas / Liberaal Archief - 59 items; National Museum of Denmark - 55 items; Costică Acsinte Archive - 49 items; The Gallen-Kallela Museum - 46 items; Archives of the Finnish Broadcasting Company Yle - 46 items; Museum of Hartlepool - 45 items; George Eastman Museum - 33 items; San Diego Air & Space Museum Archives - 32 items; The National Archives UK - 31 items; tyrrellhistoricallibrary - 29 items; Preus museum - 27 items; Fylkesarkivet i Sogn og Fjordane - 21 items; OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons - 21 items; The Finnish Museum of Photography - 20 items; National Science and Media Museum - 17 items; Schlesinger Library, RIAS, Harvard University - 9 items; Huron County Museum & Historic Gaol - 7 items; Smithsonian Institution - 4 items; Getty Research Institute - 4 items; Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland - 4 items; The British Library - 2 items; Camden Public Library (Maine) - 2 items; Center for Jewish History, NYC - 1 items; Kalamazoo Public Library - 1 items; Aalto University Library and Archive Commons - 1 items;
The data has been harvested from providers using some custom php scripts to query respective APIs based on dates. Data is harmonised and stored in a local mySql database.
Additional jQuery plugins are used to enhance the display, including Masonry and Bootstrap Image Gallery (based on blueimp).
The website code and generated data is openly licensed so please feel free to copy, modify, distribute as you please (subject to any restrictions as imposed by the content and toolset providers).
'Boscawen' (1844). Scale: 1:48. An Office Copy plan showing the gun deck (lower deck) for 'Boscawen' (1844), a 70-gun Third Rate, two-decker, building at Woolwich Dockyard.
NMM, Progress Book, volume 6, folio 195, states that 'Bo
National Maritime Museum
'Boscawen' (1844). Scale: 1:48. An Office Copy plan showing the quarterdeck, with alterations to the stern, and forecastle for 'Boscawen' (1844), a 70-gun Third Rate, two-decker, building at Woolwich Dockyard.
NMM, Progress Book, volu
National Maritime Museum
'Boscawen' (1844). Scale: 1:48. An Office Copy plan showing the roundhouse, with alterations, for 'Boscawen' (1844), a 70-gun Third Rate, two-decker, building at Woolwich Dockyard. Plan ZAZ0941 shows the roundhouse after these alterati
National Maritime Museum
'Boscawen' (1844). Scale: 1:48. An Office Copy plan showing the upper deck for 'Boscawen' (1844), a 70-gun Third Rate, two-decker, building at Woolwich dockyard.
NMM, Progress Book, volume 6, folio 195, states that 'Boscawen'
National Maritime Museum
'Boscawen' (1844). Scale: 1:48. Plan showing the orlop deck with aft platform for 'Boscawen' (1844), a 70-gun Third Rate, two-decker, building at Woolwich Dockyard.
NMM, Progress Book, volume 6, folio 195, states that 'Boscawen
National Maritime Museum
'Boscawen' (1844); 'Cumberland' (1842). Scale: 1:48. Plan showing the body plan with iron riders and some planking detail, sheer lines with inboard detail and midship framing, and longitudinal half-breadth for 'Boscawen' (184
May 1835
National Maritime Museum
'Britannia' Entering Portsmouth. The 'Britannia', 120 guns, is shown here entering Portsmouth on 4 February 1835, under the command of Captain Peter Rainier, after spending five-and-a-half years in the Mediterranean. The buildings of P
National Maritime Museum
'Cumberland' (1842). Scale: 1:24. Plan showing the half midship section illustrating the tanks in the hold, and the midship framing illustrating the securing of the beams and riders for 'Cumberland' (1842), a 70-gun Third Rate, two-dec
December 1835
National Maritime Museum
'Cumberland' (1842). Scale: 1:24. Plan showing the half midship section, and midship framing illustrating the securing of the beams and riders for 'Cumberland' (1842), a 70-gun Third Rate, two-decker.
Signed by William Symonds [Survey
28 December 1835
National Maritime Museum
'Cumberland' (1842). Scale: 1:48. Plan showing the body plan with half stern board outline and some frame details, sheer lines with midship section and alterations, and longitudinal half-breadth for building' Cumberland' (1842), a 70-g
Circa June 1835
National Maritime Museum
'Dedicated to His Majesty the King [Key to] Greenwich Pensioners Commemorating the Anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar. Painted by John Burnet...'. This is a copy of the identifying key and subscribers' list to Burnet's engraving o
National Maritime Museum
. Inboard profile plan
NMM, Progress Book, volume 7, folio 559 states that 'Pearl' arrived at Sheerness Dockyard on 10 December 1834 and was docked on 8 January 1835. She was undocked on 15 April 1835 and sailed on 1 July having been refitted.
National Maritime Museum
. lines
NMM, Progress Book, volume 7, folio 559 states that 'Pearl' arrived at Sheerness Dockyard on 10 December 1834 and was docked on 8 January 1835. She was undocked on 15 April 1835 and sailed on 1 July having been refitted.
National Maritime Museum
. Lower deck plan
NMM, Progress Book, volume 7, folio 559 states that 'Pearl' arrived at Sheerness Dockyard on 10 December 1834 and was docked on 8 January 1835. She was undocked on 15 April 1835 and sailed on 1 July having been refitted.
National Maritime Museum
. Upper deck plan
NMM, Progress Book, volume 7, folio 559 states that 'Pearl' arrived at Sheerness Dockyard on 10 December 1834 and was docked on 8 January 1835. She was undocked on 15 April 1835 and sailed on 1 July having been refitted.
National Maritime Museum
Archimedes. Scale: Unknown. Model depicting 9 section propeller for the vessel 'Archimedes' (active 1835). The model is made entirely from a dark and stained wood and comprises of a series of nine two bladed propellers which turn around a sing
National Maritime Museum
Bay and Harbour of New York from Bedlow's Island. Bedlow's Island, a variant spelling of Bedloe's Island, is now most often known as Liberty Island and is the site of the Statue of Liberty. The fort pictured is Fort Wood, which now forms t
National Maritime Museum
Boarding an enemy vessel from boats. 'Make a Lane...' (caricature). Mounted with PAF5039-PAF5040, PAF5042-PAF5043.; Numbered on sheet Schetky 3.
National Maritime Museum
Cable compressor model. Scale: Unknown. Model of a anchor chain compressor as proposed by Sir William Symonds, Surveyor of the Navy, 1835. The model is made almost entirely of wood which has been lightly stained and finished with a matt varnish. The bed o
National Maritime Museum
Cable Compressor. Scale: Unknown. A working model of a compressor for chain anchor cable illustrating the standard pattern of 1835 it is made almost entirely of wood of various species most of which has been stained and lightly polished with a matt finish
National Maritime Museum
Cable compressor. Scale: Unknown. Working model of a anchor chain cable compressor as proposed by the Plymouth-Yard Officers, 1835. The model is made almost entirely of wood of different species some of which are lightly stained and finished in a matt var
National Maritime Museum
Calypso (1845); Coquette (cancelled 1851). Scale: 1:48. Plan showing the main deck for Calypso (1845) and Coquette (cancelled 1851), both 18-gun flush-decked Sixth Rate corvettes. The date was amended to June 1842.
4 November 1839
National Maritime Museum
Captain James Clark Ross R.N. F.R.S. F.R.A.S. F.L.S. &c. Discoverer of the North Magnetic Pole. Print
National Maritime Museum
Captain James Clark Ross. RN. FRS FRAS FLS &c. Discoverer of the North Magnetic Pole. Print
National Maritime Museum
Chain lockers for 74 gun Third Rates. No scale. Plan showing the elevation through the gun deck (lower deck) and orlop deck, the plan of the gun deck, and the plan of the orlop deck and hold illustrating the method of fitting the chain lockers to a 74-gu
24 November 1835
National Maritime Museum
Chart of the North Polar Sea. Manuscript addition: For the Council Room, Royal Hospital, Greenwich from John Jones Dyer.. Linen backed Gnomonic projection.
1849; 1835
National Maritime Museum
Chart of the North Polar Sea. Manuscript addition: For the Council Room, Royal Hospital, Greenwich from John Jones Dyer.. Linen backed Gnomonic projection.
1849; 1835
National Maritime Museum
Greenwich from Blackwall. A view due south at low tide from the Blackwall Reach foreshore on the north side of the Thames, towards Greenwich. Greenwich Hospital is visible in the centre, with the Royal Observatory on the hill behind and left, and the town
National Maritime Museum
Greenwich Hospital from the east. A view looking west across the river frontage of Greenwich Hospital. On the left is the Old George Inn, which in 1837 was replaced by the present Trafalgar Tavern, with passenger wherries and local fishing boats moored of
National Maritime Museum
Hay Barge off Greenwich. Thames barges such as this carried hay and other goods to London and around the south-east English coast. On board the laden barge, two men row with long sweeps and two are positioned at the stern. These barges had a shallow draug
National Maritime Museum
HMS Venerable. Uniface. Engraved on a smooth surface: 'Part of the wreck of HMS Venerable lost in Torbay 1802 & Recover'd 1835.'
National Maritime Museum
Looking at Halley's Comet, 1835. This charming watercolour, signed by the artist, indicates the popular interest that greeted the return of Halley's Comet in 1835. It shows three men, a woman with a baby and three older children around a telesc
National Maritime Museum
Lough Neagh surveyed and sounded by Lieut. Thomas Graves R.N.. Single sheet, engraving. Scale [circa 1:65,000]. Contains as an inset the continuation of Lough Beg, at the same scale.
Variation in 1857. Adjacent country taken from the Ordnance Survey.
National Maritime Museum
Medal commemorating Admiral Henri Gauthier de Rigny (1783-1835). Medal commemorating Admiral Henri Gauthier de Rigny (1783-1835). Obverse: Head of Admiral de Rigny (left). Legend: 'CTE. HI : DE RIGNY VCE. AMIRAL DÉPTE MINTRE. DE LA MARINE N&E
National Maritime Museum
Medal commemorating Admiral Miaoulis. Medal commemorating Admiral Andreas Vokos Miaoulis (1768-1835). Obverse: Head of Admiral Miaoulis (left). Inscription in Greek. Legend: (Admiral Andreas Miaoulis, born 20 May, 1769, died 11 June, 1835). Both dates old
National Maritime Museum
Peak of Teneriffe S.W. 50 miles, published for the Nautical Magazine. Vignette.
National Maritime Museum
Porteurs d'eau. Published by Engelmann & Co. Part of the Michael Graham-Stewart slavery collection.
National Maritime Museum
Prisoner's love token. Prisoner's love token.
Obverse: Pricked on the smooth surface of a coin starboard broadside view of a full-rigged ship at anchor; sun, moon and stars above; masonic signs (left) and (right). On ship's hull, 'T.
National Maritime Museum
Samuel Enderby (1834); Hunting vessel; Whaler. Scale: 1:24. A contemporary full hull model of the whaling vessel ‘Samuel Enderby’ (1834) built plank on frame with a number of deck fittings including deadeyes and planking on the upper wales in
National Maritime Museum
Scout (1832). Scale: 1:48. Plan showing the lower deck as originally fitted and as altered in 1835 for Scout (1832) an 18-gun Sloop.
31 October 1835
National Maritime Museum
Sheep pens and Poultry Coops for ships of the line. Scale: 1:24. Plan showing the section at the after end, the elevation, and the plan for sheep pens and poultry coops for ships of the line. The plan includes a reference key.
Signed by William Symonds
22 April 1835
National Maritime Museum
Spartiate (captured 1798). Scale: 1:48. Plan showing the fore part of the orlop deck for Spartiate (captured 1798), a captured French Third Rate. The vessel was refitted between 1801-1803 as a 74-gun Third Rate, two-decker. The plan illustrates the origin
19 September 1835
National Maritime Museum
SS 'Beaver' wood fragment. Strip of wood with an attached label: 'This wood was taken from the wreck of H. Bros SS 'Beaver', the first steamer in the Pacific also crossed the Atlantic 1885. Built in London, England.'
National Maritime Museum
Tell tale dial system for the steering wheel on warships[?]. No scale. Plan showing the front elevation and side elevations of the upper dial and lower dial mechanisms for the tell tale system on the steering wheel of warships[?].
Circa November 1835
National Maritime Museum
Terrestrial floor globe. Fragment from terrestrial floor globe contained in a film canister. Geographical details on the sphere include certain regions delineated by dotted lines, some drawn in red, some in green. The south polar region is empty. The disc
National Maritime Museum
Terrestrial floor globe. Terrestrial floor globe. Geographical details on the sphere include certain regions delineated by dotted lines, some drawn in red, some in green. The south polar region is empty. The discoveries of 1832-33 by Biscoe are not yet re
National Maritime Museum
The Indiaman 'Euphrates'. A portrait of the Indiaman ‘Euphrates’ among shipping, in an imaginary scene, showing Cape Town and Table Bay in the distance on the left. A British ship on the left is firing a salute. There is a small fish
National Maritime Museum
Tracks through the Barrier Reefs by S. Ashmore. Drawn by G.C. Stewart, 1835. Single sheet. Ms. Medium: On backing sheet. Scale: [ca.1:750 000]. Cartographic Note: Graduated. Additional Places: Queensland. Contents Note: 5 tracks in red by Capt Ashmore in
National Maritime Museum
Two anchor stock designs for a 39 cwt anchor. Scale: 1:24. Plan showing the elevation sections and plans for the Perring design of anchor stock and the patent design by Lieutenant Roger.
National Maritime Museum
Two anchor stock designs for a 39 cwt anchor. Scale: 1:24. Plan showing the elevation sections and plans for the Perring's design of anchor stock and the patent design by Lieutenant Roger.
National Maritime Museum
Two anchor stock designs for a 39 cwt anchor. Scale: 1:24. Plan showing the elevation sections and plans for the Perring's design of anchor stock and the patent design by Lieutenant Roger.
National Maritime Museum
Two anchor stock designs for a 39 cwt anchor. Scale: 1:24. Plan showing the elevation sections and plans for the Perring's design of anchor stock and the patent design by Lieutenant Roger.
National Maritime Museum
Two anchor stock designs for a 39 cwt anchor. Scale: 1:24. Plan showing the elevation sections and plans for the Perring's design of anchor stock and the patent design by Lieutenant Roger.
National Maritime Museum
Two anchor stock designs for a 39 cwt anchor. Scale: 1:24. Plan showing the elevation sections and plans for the Perring's design of anchor stock and the patent design by Lieutenant Roger.
National Maritime Museum
Water Closet, Signal Locker, and Arms Chests for single deck vessels (circal 1839), specifically Fantome (1839). Scale: 1:24. Plan showing a plan and elevation of the water closet, signal locker, and arms chest for single deck vessels, specifically Fanto
7 November 1839
National Maritime Museum
37 ft Greenwich Hospital Barge. Scale: 1:19.2. Plan showing the body plan with full crest on sternboard and decoration detail, front section of the cabin, inboard profile with decoration detail, and longitudinal half-breadth of deck plan for a 12-oared 3
Signature dated: 1835
National Maritime Museum
To Her most Excellent Maj.ty Queen Caroline, this Perspective View of the Royal Hospital at Greenwich is humbly inscribed.... 'Protean views' are a table-top version of the 'diorama', which Louis Daguerre brought to London from Paris a
about 1835
National Maritime Museum
Four views representing (As expressed beneath each the arrival & departure & &c of Their Royal Highnesses The Duchess of Kent & The Princess Victoria when They visited Plymouth, in an excursion Their Royal Highnesses made August 1833, from
1 Jan 1835
National Maritime Museum
Four views representing (As expressed beneath each) the arrival & departure &c &c of Their Royal Highnesses The Duchess of Kent & The Princess Victoria when They visited Plymouth, in an excursion Their Royal Highnesses made August 1833, fr
1 Jan 1835
National Maritime Museum
Four views representing (As expressed beneath each) the arrival & departure &c &c of Their Royal Highnesses The Duchess of Kent & The Princess Victoria when They visited Plymouth, in an excursion Their Royal Highnesses made August 1833, fr
1 Jan 1835
National Maritime Museum
Four views representing (As expressed beneath each) the arrival & departure &c &c of Their Royal Highnesses The Duchess of Kent & The Princess Victoria, when They visited Plymouth, in an excursion Their Royal Highnesses made August 1833, f
1 Jan 1835
National Maritime Museum
The Arrival of Their Royal Highnesses The Duchess of Kent & the Princess Victoria in Plymouth Sound, The 2nd of August 1835. Print
1 Jan 1835
National Maritime Museum
The Departure of Their Royal Highnesses The Duchess of Kent and the Princess Victoria, from Devonport in the Emerald Yacht, towed by the Messenger steamer, 6th August 1833. Print
1 Jan 1835
National Maritime Museum
The Forte Frigate getting under weigh in Plymouth Sound with Their Royal Highnesses The Duchess of Kent and The Princess Victoria on board, 5th of August 1833 to Visit the Eddystone light House. Plate 3.
1 Jan 1835
National Maritime Museum
The Forte Frigate getting under weigh in Plymouth Sound with Their Royal Highnesses The Duchess of Kent and The Princess Victoria on board, 5th of August 1833 to Visit the Eddystone light House. Print
1 Jan 1835
National Maritime Museum
Their Royal Highnesses The Duchess of Kent and The Princess Victoria's approach to The King's Stairs at Devonport Dock Yard, The 2nd August 1833. Print
1 Jan 1835
National Maritime Museum
The yacht 'Falcon' off Spithead with the Royal Yacht Squadron. Inscribed: “The Right Honourable Lord Yarborough's Yacht, the ‘Falcon’ of 351 tons. Off Spithead with the Royal Yacht Squadron, on their Voyage to Cherbourg.&n
10 Jan 1835
National Maritime Museum
The Mary, Joshua Collings, Master, entering the harbour of La Valetta, in the Island of Malta, Decr 5th 1835. Hand-coloured.
Jan 1839
National Maritime Museum