This site is an expanded and significantly upgraded version of the Flickr Commons based tool I created several years ago. As well as a major design/UX overhaul, it now includes data from further providers (see full list below). I'd welcome further suggestions as the harvesting tool and database are easily extendable.
For information, questions and bug reports please contact James Morley @jamesinealing |
Current totals by data source
Current totals by date accuracy
Breakdown of institutional data retrieved through Europeana
Het Nationaal Glasmuseum - 22336 items; Sjöhistoriska museet - 11809 items; Bohusläns museum - 7936 items; Vänersborgs museum - 7561 items; Kulturarv Västernorrland - 4090 items; Rijksmuseum - 3241 items; Tekniska museet - 2444 items; Armémuseum, Stockholm, Sweden - 2317 items; Karlsborgs fästningsmuseum - 2007 items; Miliseum - 1287 items; Örebro läns museum - 1254 items; Flygvapenmuseum - 1058 items; ModeMuseum Provincie Antwerpen - 1042 items; Marinmuseum - 735 items; Skansen - 629 items; Österreichische Nationalbibliothek - Austrian National Library - 579 items; Riksantikvarieämbetet - 381 items; Stiftelsen Nordiska museet - 288 items; Historisch Museum Ede - 254 items; Stedelijk Museum Zutphen - 221 items; Ajuntament de Girona - 106 items; CODA Museum - 103 items; INP - National Heritage Institute, Bucharest - 103 items; Upplandsmuseet - 102 items; The Archaeological Heritage Agency of Iceland - 95 items; Aaltense Musea - 58 items; Stadsmuseum Harderwijk - 56 items; Sundsvalls museum - 50 items; National library of Montenegro "Đurđe Crnojević" - 44 items; Länsmuseet Gävleborg - 37 items; Nederlands Openluchtmuseum - 31 items; Vasamuseet - 28 items; Images of Old Cluj - 27 items; Nederlands Tegelmuseum - 20 items; Postmuseum - 18 items; Δήμος Τρίπολης - 11 items; Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem - 9 items; Cluj County Library - 9 items; Slovak National Library - 8 items; Csorba Győző Könyvtár - Pécs - 7 items; Stadskasteel Zaltbommel - 7 items; Stichting Liemers Museum - 6 items; Lietuvos dailės muziejus - 4 items; Žemaičių muziejus „Alka“ / Samogitian Museum "Alka" - 3 items; Deventer Musea - 3 items; NOC*NSF - 3 items; Nationalmuseum, Sweden - 2 items; Wikimedia Commons Community - 2 items; Lietuvos švietimo istorijos muziejus / Museum of Lithuanian Education History - 2 items; Rippl-Rónai Megyei Hatókörű Városi Múzeum - Kaposvár - 2 items; Museum Elburg - 1 items; National Library of Bulgaria - 1 items; Horniman Museum and Gardens - 1 items; jNederlands Openluchtmuseum - 1 items; Lietuvos dailės muziejus / Lithuanian Art Museum - 1 items; Kauno IX forto muziejus / Kaunas 9th Fort Museum - 1 items; A. Baranausko ir A. Vienuolio-Žukausko memorialinis muziejus / Antanas Baranauskas and Antanas Vienuolis-Žukauskas Memorial Museum - 1 items; Slot Loevestein - 1 items; Museon - 1 items
Breakdown of institutional data retrieved through Flickr Commons
The U.S. National Archives - 1730 items; The Library of Congress - 1093 items; SMU Libraries Digital Collections - 1038 items; State Library and Archives of Florida - 912 items; State Library of Queensland, Australia - 891 items; Cornell University Library - 840 items; bibliothequedetoulouse - 821 items; Australian National Maritime Museum on The Commons - 567 items; Swedish National Heritage Board - 559 items; National Library of Ireland on The Commons - 494 items; State Library of New South Wales collection - 402 items; Vestfoldmuseene | Vestfold Museums - 385 items; MissouriStateArchives - 371 items; National Library of Australia Commons - 295 items; NASA on The Commons - 262 items; Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums - 249 items; National Library of Norway - 229 items; Royal Australian Historical Society - 216 items; Deseronto Archives - 183 items; Provincial Archives of Alberta - 177 items; Powerhouse Museum Collection - 170 items; UW Digital Collections - 123 items; National Library NZ on The Commons - 123 items; UA Archives | Upper Arlington History - 114 items; National Library of Scotland - 105 items; Jewish Historical Society of the Upper Midwest - 89 items; Australian War Memorial collection - 88 items; Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office Commons - 78 items; National Archives of Estonia - 67 items; Museum of Photographic Arts Collections - 64 items; Stockholm Transport Museum Commons - 61 items; Liberas / Liberaal Archief - 59 items; National Museum of Denmark - 55 items; Costică Acsinte Archive - 49 items; The Gallen-Kallela Museum - 46 items; Archives of the Finnish Broadcasting Company Yle - 46 items; Museum of Hartlepool - 45 items; George Eastman Museum - 33 items; San Diego Air & Space Museum Archives - 32 items; The National Archives UK - 31 items; tyrrellhistoricallibrary - 29 items; Preus museum - 27 items; Fylkesarkivet i Sogn og Fjordane - 21 items; OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons - 21 items; The Finnish Museum of Photography - 20 items; National Science and Media Museum - 17 items; Schlesinger Library, RIAS, Harvard University - 9 items; Huron County Museum & Historic Gaol - 7 items; Smithsonian Institution - 4 items; Getty Research Institute - 4 items; Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland - 4 items; The British Library - 2 items; Camden Public Library (Maine) - 2 items; Center for Jewish History, NYC - 1 items; Kalamazoo Public Library - 1 items; Aalto University Library and Archive Commons - 1 items;
The data has been harvested from providers using some custom php scripts to query respective APIs based on dates. Data is harmonised and stored in a local mySql database.
Additional jQuery plugins are used to enhance the display, including Masonry and Bootstrap Image Gallery (based on blueimp).
The website code and generated data is openly licensed so please feel free to copy, modify, distribute as you please (subject to any restrictions as imposed by the content and toolset providers).
A Dutch ship with the wind on the quarter under easy sail. Two drawings on one sheet. In the upper half of the page is a smaller version of the vessel depicted in the lower half – a starboard broadside view of a small ship, with the wind on the port
National Maritime Museum
Afteeckening van de veroverde scheepen e Forten door des Lants Vloot op de rivier van Chattam. Print
National Maritime Museum
De brandt van London, op den 12. 13. 14. 15 en 16 September Anno 1666. A dramatic etching depicting the Fire of London in 1666. The print, from the following year, was produced for the Dutch market.
National Maritime Museum
de Brandt, van de Schepen in t Vlie en ter Schelling, op den 19 en 20 Augusti Ao 1666. Technique includes etching.; Text in German on reverse.
National Maritime Museum
Description Exacte l'Attaque des Anglois a Berge en Norwege 12 d'Aoust 1665. Technique includes etching.; Text in French on reverse.
National Maritime Museum
Gosport halfpenny token. Gosport halfpenny token. Obverse: Port broadside view of a three-masted ship under sail. Legend: 'IOHN . MORGAN . AT YE ROYALL'. Reverse: Inscription, 'HIS HALFE PENY:' (sic). Below, 'I.H.M.' and a ro
National Maritime Museum
Lieutenant-Admiral Michiel de Ruyter (1607–1676). This portrait shows Lieutenant-Admiral, Michiel de Ruyter, almost full-face, in three-quarter length. De Ruyter is shown wearing a black coat with gold buttons over a long-sleeved gold-brocaded waist
National Maritime Museum
Medal commemorating Louis XIV and the Paris Observatory. Medal commemorating Louis XIV and the Paris Observatory. Obverse: Head of the King (right). Legend: 'LUDOVICUS XIIII . REX CHRISTIANISSIMUS.' Reverse: View of the observatory with a telesc
National Maritime Museum
Medal commemorating ships burnt in the Medway and the proclamation of the peace of Breda, 1667. Medal commemorating the ships burnt in the Medway and the proclamation of the Peace of Breda, 1667.
The obverse displays Peace with an olive branch and cornu
National Maritime Museum
Medal commemorating the death of Captain Dirck Gerritsen Witte Paert, 1667. Medal commemorating the death of Captain Dirck Gerritsen Witte Paert, 1667. Obverse: Above a cherub with wine glass, below skeletons flanking a cartouche framed with bones inscrib
National Maritime Museum
Medal commemorating the Peace of Breda, 1667. Medal commemorating the Peace of Breda, 1667.
Obverse: Bust of King Charles II in a long wig, laureate and mantle (right). Legend: 'CAROLVS . SECVNDVS . DEI . GRATIA . MAG . BRIT . FRAN . ET . HIBER . R
National Maritime Museum
Medal commemorating the Peace of Breda, 1667. Medal commemorating the Peace of Breda, 1667. Obverse: A lion sporting among arms and cannon, a fleet in the distance. Below: 'LEO BATAVUS' (Dutch lion). Legend: 'SIC FINES NOSTROS LEGES TVTAMVR
National Maritime Museum
Medal commemorating the Peace of Breda, 1667. Medal commemorating the Peace of Breda, 1667. Obverse: Busts of King Charles II, in a long wig and mantle, and Queen Catharine conjoined (right). Legend: 'CAROLVS . ET . CATHARINA . REX . ET . REGINA.
National Maritime Museum
Medal commemorating the Peace of Breda, 1667. Medal commemorating the Peace of Breda, 1667. Obverse: Head of King Charles II in a long wig, laureate (right). Legend: 'CAROLVS . SECVNDVS . DEI . GRATIA . MAG . BRI . FRAN . ET . HIB . REX.' Revers
National Maritime Museum
Medal commemorating the Peace of Breda, 1667. Medal commemorating the Peace of Breda, 1667. Obverse: Holland standing with sceptre and spear on prostrate Envy between a lamb and a lion, a ship on fire (left), another sailing (right). Legend: 'MITIS E
National Maritime Museum
Medal commemorating the Peace of Breda, 1667. Medal commemorating the Peace of Breda, 1667. Obverse: Starboard quarter view of an English and a Dutch ship sailing side by side before a favourable wind, a garland at each topmast head. Reverse: Shields of G
National Maritime Museum
Medal commemorating the Port of Hamburg. Medal commemorating the Port of Hamburg. Obverse: View of the city of Hamburg and river with ships, the symbol of Jehovah and a hand with a coat of arms issuing from rayed clouds above. Legend: 'A TE FUNDATAM
National Maritime Museum
Medal commemorating the proclamation of the Peace of Breda, 1667. Medal commemorating the proclamation of the Peace of Breda, 1667. Obverse: Neptune driving his four-horsed car (left), ships in the distance. Legend: 'SIC CVNCTUS PELAGI CECIDIT FRAGOR
National Maritime Museum
Medal commemorating the ships burnt in the Medway, 1667 and Admiral Michel Adrianzoon de Ruyter. Medal commemorating the ships burnt in the Medway, 1667 and Admiral Michel Adrianzoon de Ruyter (1607-1676). Obverse: Bust of Admiral de Ruyter (three-quarter
National Maritime Museum
Portrait of the 'Alexander'. ‘Alexander’ (about 72-guns) was one of the six ships built for the French in Holland in 1666. Their names in the French Navy were ‘Conquérant’, ‘Courtisan’, ‘Intr&eacu
National Maritime Museum
Portsmouth halfpenny token. Portsmouth halfpenny token. Obverse: Port broadside view of a hulk of a ship, one mast standing. Legend: 'EDWARD . PEARSE . AT . YE . HULKE.' Reverse: Inscription, 'HIS HALFE . PENY', below, 'E.M.P.
National Maritime Museum
Prospect Deis Enlands Shepeij, und der Bestung Shirenasse, so von den hollandern Grobert und geplundert morden ist, geschehen den 20.v.2: Junij.1667; Sheerness, scarce, printed 1667. Technique includes etching.
National Maritime Museum
Representation de la maniere avec laquelle A' de Ruyter la ruine les navires anglois dans la riviere de Chattam. Asbeeldinge hoedanigh de heer A' de Ruyter de engel se Scheepen inde have van Chattham vernielt heest. Technique includes etching.
National Maritime Museum
t veroveren van t Eylandt Shepey, en 't Fort Shirenasse op den 20 Iuny Ao 1667. Technique includes etching.; Text in German on reverse.
National Maritime Museum
Victori en Vrengde-Vuren gehouden op den 7 September, Ao 1667 ter gedechtenis van de Engelse en Nederlandtse Vreede. Print
National Maritime Museum
Zee-slag tussen de Engelse en Nederlandtse vloot, op den 13 Iuny Ao 1665. Text in German on reverse.
National Maritime Museum
[England, east coast, Spurn Head to South Foreland]. Single sheet. Coloured manuscript drawn on vellum, mounted on two hinged oak boards. Scale [circa 1:400,000]. The scale is in miles. The chart has no latitude graduation. It shows sand banks and many so
National Maritime Museum